ACROMAG 924MB-0900

Thermocouple/Millivolt Modbus-RTU Input Module with Limit Alarms
This signal conditioner is a four-channel analog input module with four discrete outputs. It filters and linearizes thermocouple inputs while providing isolation between input, output, power, and network circuits. Cold junction compensation and upscale/downscale sensor break detection are standard. AC and DC power sources are supported with nonpolarized, diode-coupled terminals. The programmable inputs accommodate eight thermocouple types plus wide-range millivolt signals. Flexible discrete outputs operate as alarms or on/off controllers. As limit alarms, each discrete output can be configured with high and/or low setpoints exclusively tied to an analog input channel. Alarm trips function without host communication enabling low-cost stand-alone alarms as well as local backup for the primary control system. Otherwise, on/off control is based on commands issued by the host system. Combining flexible transmitter functions, mixed signal I/O, alarm support, and a network interface in a single package, makes this instrument extremely powerful. Multi-channel design adds cost-efficiency and allows high-density mounting. Plus, safe, rugged construction makes these modules reliable for use in both control room and distributed field I/O applications. Custom module configurations are also possible (consult factory for details).Modbus RTU Thermocouple/Millivolt Input Module: 4 input channels
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Modbus-RTU I/O Modules » Analog I/O
Categorization Information
Ethernet, Modbus & Profibus I/O
Modbus-RTU I/O Modules
Analog I/O
BusWorks 900MB Series
- 4 input channels, thermocouple (types J, K, T, R, S, E, B, N) or millivolt (±100mV DC) input
- 4 alarm channels, open drain MOSFETS (1A DC loads, 0 to 35V DC)
- 10 to 36V DC, 24V AC power
- Modbus-RTU high-speed RS-485
- Standard Modbus-RTU protocol with high-speed RS-485 communication (up to 115K bps)
- 16-bit sigma-delta A/D yields 0.1°C resolution and 0.5°C measurement accuracy
- Thermocouple linearization and sensor break detection ensure reliable measurements
- Four discrete outputs enable local temperature limit alarms or host-controlled on/off switching
- Heavy-duty 1A solid-state relays provide dependable on/off control of industrial devices
- Self-calibration lowers maintenance costs by reducing periodic manual calibration checks
- Watchdog timers provide a configurable failsafe output state for use when host I/O communication is lost
- Four-way isolation eliminates potential ground loops between power, input, output and network circuitry
- Self-diagnostics monitor microcontroller activity to detect operational failures (lock-up) and execute a reset to restore communication
- Operating temperature: -25°C to +70°C (-13°F to +158°F).
Extracted Text
8400100.qxp 3/20/2006 3:18 PM Page 62 900MB Series Thermocouple/Millivolt Input Module Modbus/RS-485 Four Discrete Inputs (2) Outputs (4) Outputs or Four Limit Alarms Thermocouple or Isolation DC Millivolt Modbus Inputs RS-485 Inputs (2) Power 10-36V DC or 24V AC 924MB Multi-Channel Temperature Control Modules n Description n Special Features This signal conditioner is a four-channel analog n Standard Modbus RTU protocol with high-speed Thermocouple or input module with four discrete outputs. It filters RS-485 communication (up to 115K bps) and linearizes thermocouple inputs while provid- Millivolt Input n 16-bit sigma-delta A/D yields 0.1°C resolution ing isolation between input, output, power, and and 0.5°C measurement accuracy Limit Alarms or network circuits. Cold junction compensation and upscale/downscale sensor break detection n Thermocouple linearization and sensor break Discrete Outputs are standard. AC and DC power sources are sup- detection ensure reliable measurements ported with nonpolarized, diode-coupled termi- n Four discrete outputs enable local temperature Model nals. limit alarms or host-controlled on/off switching 924MB: 4 input channels The programmable inputs accommodate eight n Heavy-duty 1A solid-state relays provide thermocouple types plus wide-range millivolt Input dependable on/off control of industrial devices signals. Flexible discrete outputs operate as Four input channels: alarms or on/off controllers. As limit alarms, each n Self-calibration lowers maintenance costs by Thermocouple (types J, K, T, R, S, E, B, N), discrete output can be configured with high reducing periodic manual calibration checks ±100mV DC and/or low setpoints exclusively tied to an analog n Watchdog timers provide a configurable input channel. Alarm trips function without host Output failsafe output state for use when host communication enabling low-cost stand-alone Four output channels: I/O communication is lost alarms as well as local backup for the primary Open-drain MOSFETs (1A DC loads) control system. Otherwise, on/off control is n Four-way isolation eliminates potential ground 0 to 35V DC based on commands issued by the host system. loops between power, input, output and Network Communication network circuitry Combining flexible transmitter functions, mixed Modbus-RTU high-speed RS-485 signal I/O, alarm support, and a network inter- n Self-diagnostics monitor microcontroller activity face in a single package, makes this instrument to detect operational failures (lock-up) and Power Requirement extremely powerful. Multi-channel design adds execute a reset to restore communication 10 to 36V DC, cost-efficiency and allows high-density mounting. 24V AC Plus, safe, rugged construction makes these modules reliable for use in both control room Approvals and distributed field I/O applications. Custom CE marked. UL, cUL listed module configurations are also possible (consult Class I; Division 2; Groups A, B, C, D. factory for details). Tel: 248-295-0880 Fax: 248-624-9234 e-mail: 62 ® BusWorks Modbus I/O ® BusWorks Modbus I/O TB4 TB3 46 45 44 43 42 41 36 35 34 33 32 31 DIGITAL OUTPUTS RS485 PWR CJC-0 INPUTS 0,1 CJC-1 INPUTS 2,3 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 TB1 TB2 8400100.qxp 3/20/2006 3:18 PM Page 63 Modbus I/O n DC Millivolt Input LED Indicators n Performance LEDs indicate power, status, and discrete level/alarm. Millivolt Input Ranges n General Input ±100mV DC. n Power and Isolation Resolution Millivolt Input Accuracy Power Requirements ±100mV DC input: 0.1%. ±0.1% of input range. 10 to 36V DC, Thermocouple input: 0.1°C (0.18°F). 22 to 26V AC. n Discrete Output Ambient Temperature Effect Supply Current Better than ±0.005% of input span per °C, or Output Type ±1.0uV/°C, whichever is greater. Four independent open drain MOSFET switches with a Supply Current Draw common return that operate as low-side switches. 10V DC 100mA maximum Noise Rejection 24V DC 45mA maximum Normal mode: 40dB @ 60Hz, typical. Output Voltage Range 24V AC 85mA rms maximum Common mode: 140dB @ 60Hz, typical. 0 to 35V DC, 1A DC maximum for each output. External voltage source required. Isolation Input Filter Bandwidth 1500V AC for 60 seconds or 250V AC continuous. -3dB at 3Hz, typical. Output ON Resistance 4-way isolation between input, network, power and 0.15 ohms maximum. discrete I/O circuits. Inputs are isolated channel-to- Input Conversion Rate channel for common mode voltage to ±5V DC. 90ms per channel. Operation Digital outputs are set to their OFF state following a n Thermocouple Input software or power-on reset. Outputs can optionally n Ordering be set to user-defined states following a watchdog Thermocouple Input Ranges Information timeout. Watchdog timeout output control takes Thermocouple type user-configured. Type selected precedence over limit alarm control. Alarm control applies to all channels. Signal linearization, cold-junc- 924MB-0900 takes precedence over host control. tion compensation, and open circuit or lead break Thermocouple/millivolt input module detection are included. Output Response Time 900C-SIP TC °C Range (°F Range) Accuracy 4.1ms typical, from receipt of command to gate Configuration Software Interface Package J -210 to 760°C (-346 to 1400°F) ±0.5°C transition of the output MOSFET. (includes software CD-ROM for Windows, RS-232/485 K -200 to 1372°C (-328 to 2502°F) ±0.5°C converter, and RS-485/three-wire cable) T -260 to 400°C (-436 to 752°F) ±0.5°C n Communication 4001-095 R -50 to 1768°C (-58 to 3214°F) ±1.0°C Supported Modbus Commands USB-to-RS232 adapter. See page 70 for more info. S -50 to 1768°C (-58 to 3214°F) ±1.0°C The command/response protocol for communicating TBK-B01 E -200 to 1000°C (-328 to 1832°F) ±0.5°C with this module adheres to the Modbus/RTU standard Optional terminal block kit, barrier strip style, 2 pcs. B 260 to 1820°C (500 to 3308°F) ±1.0°C for the following Modbus Functions. (Does not include terminal block for input wiring.) N -230 to 1300°C (-382 to 2372°F) ±1.0°C Read Coil TBK-S02 Note 1: Accuracy is given with CJC switched off. Read Holding Registers Optional terminal block kit, spring clamp style, 2 pcs. Relative inaccuracy with CJC enabled may increase Read Input Registers (Does not include terminal block for input wiring.) by ±0.5°C. Force Single Coil PS5R-VD24 Preset Single Register Thermocouple Break Detection Power supply (24V DC, 2.1A). Force Multiple Coils TC sensor failure can be configured for either upscale See Power Supplies on Page 199. Preset Multiple Registers or downscale. Selection applies to all channels. Report Slave ID For more information on software, network hardware, Reset Slave and mounting accessories, please see Pages 69-71. ANALOG INPUT DIGITAL OUTPUT CONNECTIONS TB1 TB4 CONNECTIONS MECHANICAL RTN RELAY INTERFACE OUT3 TC INPUT IN0+ OUT2 + DIGITAL OUTPUT IN0- RTN TB1/TB2 ANALOG IN1+ OUT1 IN+ INPUT IN1- OUT0 IN- UP TO 35V DC TB2 TB3 COM COM NETWORK VOLTAGE INPUT IN2+ D OUT COMMUNICATION IN2- D TB1/TB2 ANALOG + RTN IN3+ B IN+ VOLTAGE INPUT AC/DC IN3- A IN- SOURCE - POWER 10 TO 36V DC OR 24V AC TB4 RTN NON-POLARIZED RTN OUT 3 OUT OUT 2 DIGITAL OUT RTN SHARES OUT 1 RETURN OUT 0 Tel: 248-295-0880 Fax: 248-624-9234 e-mail: 63 A B D D COM COM TB3 TB2 TB4 TB1 8400100.qxp 3/20/2006 3:18 PM Page 68 900MB Series 900MB Series Technical Diagrams TB4 TB3 Acromag 46 45 44 43 42 41 36 35 34 333 321 RUN "T" Rail Din Mounting ST Din EN 50022, 35mm DFT RS485 PWR 0 1 2 3 C L 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 TB2 TB1 3.90 1.05 (99.1) (26.7) 4.35 (110.5) NOTE: ALL DIMENSION ARE IN INCHES (MILLIMETERS) PERSONAL COMPUTER W/ WINDOWS 95/98 OR NT CAUTION: DO NOT CONNECT THE RS-232 SERIAL CABLE DIRECTLY TO THE PC WITHOUT RS-232 TO RS-485 CONVERTER PORT CONNECTOR CABLE 5034-202 THE CONVERTER, OR DAMAGE TO PC RUNNING MODEL 5034-214 AT BACK OF PC THE MODULE MAY RESULT. ACROMAG MODBUS CONFIG SOFTWARE INSTALL MODBUS CONNECT THE RS-232 CONNECT THE RS-485 CONFIGURATION SIDE OF CONVERTER SIDE OF CONVERTER SOFTWARE TO THE PC TO THE CABLE 900C-SIP COMMUNICATION CONNECTIONS A B C CONNECT WIRES AS SHOWN COM D D WIRE COLOR RS-485 TB4 TB4 TB3 A RED D RUN/PWR LED (GREEN) Acromag B BLACK D RUN 46 4544 43 42 41 36 35 34 33 32 31 STATUS LED (YELLOW) ST C GREEN COM DFT RS485 DEFAULT MODE SWITCH - PWR 01 PUSH FOR DEFAULT MODE. REFER TO THE USER'S MANUAL 2 3 THAT CAME WITH YOUR MODULE STATUS LED FLASHES IN ANY 900MB MODULE TO COMPLETE THE MODULE'S DEFAULT MODE. POWER AND I/O CONNECTIONS R 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 TB1 TB2 TB1 Tel: 248-295-0880 Fax: 248-624-9234 e-mail: 68 ® BusWorks Modbus I/O 2.34 (59.4) 3.75 (95.3) 4.68 (118.9) TB1 TB4 TB3 TB2 COM COM D D B A ® BusWorks Modbus I/O 35.3 4-ø4.5 10-ø6.5 8400100.qxp 3/20/2006 3:18 PM Page 69 Modbus I/O n Ordering Information Software Configuration Kit 900C-SIP Interface Package Software Interface Package Software Interface Package. Model No. 900C-SIP Includes Configuration Software (5034-186), ® This package includes Windows Configuration Non-isolated RS-232 to RS-485 Serial Port Converter RS-485 Cable Software, an RS-232-to-485 Serial Port (5034-214), and RS-485 Cable (5034-202). (DB-9) Converter, and an RS-485 Signal Cable. These Items can also be ordered separately below. components provide everything you need to set 5034-186 up a Series 900 I/O module from your desktop Configuration Software for Windows (95/98/2000/ME/ NT4/XP) on CD-ROM. PC before installing it on the network. RS-232 to RS-485 Converter 5034-214 (non-isolated) Non-isolated RS-232 to RS-485 Serial Port Converter, RS-232/485 Converter RS-485 DB-9F to DB-9F. Configuration Software (non-isolated) to 3-wire for Windows 5034-202 RS-485 to 3-wire Cable Converter, DB-9M to 3 x 12AWG RS-485 Cable, 8 ft. 5034-214 5034-202 n Ordering Information Universal 50W Network Power PS5R-VD24 Power Supply Universal Power Supply The PS5R-VD24 is Top View Side View (dimensions in mm) (dimensions in mm) the ideal power 3.8 90 source to drive your 80 13 13 13 13 network. Input Power Requirement Universal power DC ON 85 to 264V AC, V.ADJ 105 to 370V DC Output 24V DC, 2.1A (50W) 6 M3.5 Terminal Screws 95 12 n Ordering Information DIN-Rail Mounting Hardware 20RM-16-DIN Mounting 19" rack-mount kit with DIN rail. DIN RAIL 3.0 For your convenience, Acromag offers several DIN RAIL 16.7 mounting accessories to simplify your system DIN rail strip, Type T, 3 inches (75mm) or installation. Our 19” rack-mount kit provides a 16.7 inches (425mm) clean solution for mounting your I/O modules and a power supply. Or you can buy precut DIN rail strips for mounting on any flat surface. Dimensions in inches (mm). Tel: 248-295-0880 Fax: 248-624-9234 e-mail: 69 7.35 5 60 75 + – Transmitter temperature 1046-016 of 151T Acromag plug into top TOP VIEW RS-485 RS-232 Accessories Model 4001-095 USB-to-Serial Adapter TO HOST USB PORT HOST PERSONAL COMPUTER USB RUNNING WINDOWS 98/ME/2000/XP 4001095 USB SERIAL CONVERTER USB MALE HOST PC RUNNING LED RS232 ACROMAG CONFIGURATION DB9P SOFTWARE 6 FEET OF CABLE Simplifies configuration of Acromag I/O Modules ◆ Enables configuration via USB port Description Performance Specifications Ordering Information USB Specification NOTE: For more information visit This device is a USB-to-serial adapter that you Version 1.1 can use to communicate with many Acromag I/O Adapters Data rate products for setup and re-configuration for your 4001-095 Up to 115.2Kbps application. USB to serial adapter. Includes driver CD and manual. Environmental Standards 5030-913 RoHS-compliant Key Features & Benefits Serial port adapter. DB9S connector to RJ11 jack. Basic Power Consumption 5034-202 ■ Connects to I/O modules via USB 150mA RS-485 to 3-wire cable converter and cable, DB-9M to (other adapters may be necessary) PC Requirements 3 x 12AWG RS-485 cable, 8 ft. ® Windows 7 (32-/64-bit) / Vista (32-/64-bit) / ■ Complete RS232 control signals 5032-287 XP (32-/64-bit) / Server 2003 & 2008 (32-/64-bit) / RS-232 to 151T transmitter configuration device 2000 / ME / 98SE / 98 ■ Conforms to USB Specification, Version 1.1 converter and cable, 6 ft. 5034-214 ■ USB-powered Non-isolated RS-232 to RS-485 Serial Port Converter, DB-9F to DB-9F. ■ Cable length, 6 ft., UL approved Cables RJ11 JACK (6 CONDUCTOR) INTELLIPACK IntelliPack 800x Series 5030-902 SERIAL ADAPTER RJ11 PLUG Cable. 6 feet long with RJ11 plug at each end. Adapter and Cable (6 CONDUCTOR) MODEL 5030-902 (6 feet long) 9-PIN CONNECTOR (DB9S) MODEL 5030-913 PLUG INTO TOP 151T TRANSMITTER 151T Transmitter Series OF TRANSMITTER 151C-SIP INTERFACE ADAPTER Adapter and Cable 6 FEET OF CABLE TO RS232 900MB Modbus Series 1046-016 Acromag Adapter and Cable RS232 TO RS485 SERIAL MODEL 5032-787 CONVERTER CABLE 5034-202 TOP VIEW (MODEL 5034-214) 5034-202 A B C DB9 MALE DB9 FEMALE DB9 FEMALE COM D D ■ ■ ■ ■ Tel: 248-295-0880 Fax: 248-624-9234 30765 S Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USA Bulletin #8400-572 All trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2009. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 10/2009. 1 4 2 3 3 & 4 Wire RTD 1 2 3 4 -T/C, mV+
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